Can you choose something other than diamonds for your Engagement Ring?

Can you choose something other than diamonds for your Engagement Ring?

Diamonds quickly gained popularity as an Engagement Ring material when Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave Mary of Burgundy the first known Diamond Engagement Ring in 1477. Eventually, the rest of the world followed suit.

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What is the vein of love?

What is the vein of love?

Ancient Egyptians believed that the left hand's fourth finger, known as the "ring finger," contains a special vein that travels straight to the heart. Engagement and Wedding Rings are customarily worn on this finger because of this vein, which was so poetically described as the "vein of love."

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The History of Engagement Rings

The History of Engagement Rings

The first recorded instance of a Diamond Engagement Ring was in 1477, with the custom of gifting a ring (in a variety of forms) to express one's love and devotion to another extending back many centuries.

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Do lab-grown diamonds actually have a smaller carbon footprint?

Do lab-grown diamonds actually have a smaller carbon footprint?

As the name implies, lab-grown diamonds are ones that are produced in a laboratory setting as opposed to being mined from the Earth. 

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Lab-grown Diamonds

Lab-grown Diamonds

If you follow along with our social media stories you have likely seen us posting recently about “Lab Grown Diamonds”, which may or may not be a completely new phrase and concept that you are hearing.

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Fun fact, natural diamonds are the result of carbon exposed to tremendous heat and pressure deep in the earth.

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This is the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR to consider when you are buying a diamond.

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Carat is a term used to express the overall weight of a diamond, not its size as many people mistakenly believe. Each carat is subdivided into 100 'points' which allows for very precise measurements of diamonds and gems to the hundredth decimal place.

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This is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect to consider when purchasing a diamond.

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